Monday, May 23, 2011

Fabulous workshop with Paul Kratter at La Rusticana

Three small works in three days with Paul Kratter at La Rusticana!  What a wonderful learning experience - great demos, great teaching, lovely venue.  Amazing vineyards, gardens, pools and fountains - plus the wonderful cuisine of Chef Franca each day for lunch.  Truly idyllic!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Glimpse of Manhattan

Work in progress...........on my easel as we speak!  Photographed color is a bit off, but I am really having fun with this 2010 "virtual paintout" challenge piece of downtown NYC.  Let me know what you think!!  You can see the beginnings of this painting in my September 2010 post.  Obviously this will never be submitted for the challenge!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Santa Cruz Lighthouse

A fun piece done from a photo and sketches while stuck at home with repair folks putting in a new heater!  Great excuse to hang out at the easel..........


A struggling plein air piece at Villa Montalvo!  It's as done as it will ever be.....and better than it started out.  Beautiful day there - but alas, SO much green!  Greens can pose such a challenge to the plein air artist.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Another Baylands Experiment!

Today was really fun!  I tried some new techniques and was happy with what I learned.  Pretty abstract and perhaps a bit "fantasyland", but colorful and fun nonetheless.....................I'm enjoying the journey =)

The weather was just glorious, the pickleweed was bright and the mud was shining!!!  Reflections were just amazing.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Experimenting and Learning

 Some 9 x 12 pochades from the Palo Alto Baylands and the Mission San Juan Bautista using a new painting style.  I'm experimenting with different underpainting techniques, color schemes, brush and palette knife methods...............Fun!!