Friday, February 11, 2011

Santa Cruz Lighthouse

A fun piece done from a photo and sketches while stuck at home with repair folks putting in a new heater!  Great excuse to hang out at the easel..........


A struggling plein air piece at Villa Montalvo!  It's as done as it will ever be.....and better than it started out.  Beautiful day there - but alas, SO much green!  Greens can pose such a challenge to the plein air artist.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Another Baylands Experiment!

Today was really fun!  I tried some new techniques and was happy with what I learned.  Pretty abstract and perhaps a bit "fantasyland", but colorful and fun nonetheless.....................I'm enjoying the journey =)

The weather was just glorious, the pickleweed was bright and the mud was shining!!!  Reflections were just amazing.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Experimenting and Learning

 Some 9 x 12 pochades from the Palo Alto Baylands and the Mission San Juan Bautista using a new painting style.  I'm experimenting with different underpainting techniques, color schemes, brush and palette knife methods...............Fun!!