Sunday, October 11, 2009

Two more "starts"

Here are two more mini-studies on 6x8 birch panel.  These are homework for my oil painting class.  Not finished pieces, just starts.  Both are from photos I took.  First is from our boat on the SF Bay, and the second is after a big storm on the beach in Carmel.

Friday, October 2, 2009

What does this say about me??

I haven't posted in quite a while because, well, I'm in a class - and yes, that means I should be suddenly creating great works!  But not so fast - many basics to cover and exercises to do and absorb before I can improve.  But I found it funny while doing my "homework" this last week how very differently I approach things - is it just a different day, a different mood, or a different subject for inspiration??

These are all 6" by 8" "studies" or "starts"; meant to be simple value studies in native/local color.  Yikes - the first two look correct in that they are just simple shapes that lay out the darks and the focal point.  But look at the second two!  I got totally carried away.  Oh well - I think my b&w value sketches in pastel were correct, anyway!  It's fun to chronicle one's progress =)  Maybe when the class is done I'll post my progress on the b&w value studies, too.